Prevent taste and odour problems

The performance of drinking water treatment plants is consistent with the amount of contamination in the water. Growth of algae and biofouling in a treatment plant can cause various problems within the process including: clogging of intake screens, fouling of weirs, increased chlorine demand, tastes/ odours, and the release of toxins.

Control algae, cyanobacteria and fouling efficiently with LG Sonic ultrasound to reduce taste and odor problems in the water treatment plant.

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Algae sample

Benefits of ultrasonic algae treatment

Lower chemical expenses

Improve operations of filters and pipes

Prevent toxic algal blooms

Biofouling water treatment plants

  • Low-power ultrasound, no cavitation
  • No release of algal toxins
  • 100% safe for the environment

Biofouling in drinking water systems has detrimental effects such as microbiological and chemical deterioration in water quality, corrosion-inducing effects, and efficiency-reducing effects in water treatment processes.

The growth of algae, cyanobacteria and bacteria within the basins of the plant itself increases the demand of chemicals or filtration and in turn creates problems with THM (trihalomethane) formation.

Algae and biofouling-related problems are also often seen in sand filers, flocculation chambers, clarifiers and coagulation tanks.


All-in-one solution for controlling algae in drinking water reservoirs.

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Join 100+ clients Trusting LG Sonic

Read full case study
American Water
Seven years ago, American Water was the first customer to believe in LG Sonic’s technology. We’re proud of our ongoing, strong partnership.
Anglian Water
Anglian Water reduced up to 95% of algae counts with ultrasonic treatment. The Alton WTW supplies water to 92,214 properties in the Suffolk area, U.K.
Drinking water reservoir
CAASD’s Valdesia reservoir has a surface of 7km²/1700 acres. After years of algae bloom contamination, the utility achieved 87% chlorophyll a reduction.
Vallecitos Water District
Vallecitos Water District significantly improved TSS, pH, and DO levels. Vallecitos can now provide even higher quality water to their customers.
Three Rivers
A popular public open space with 2 lakes used for water skiing, fishing and sailing was contaminated with algae blooms.
American Crystal Sugar
American Crystal Sugar Company is the first company in the sugar beets industry to start using ultrasound technology to improve water quality.
Auckland Utility
NZ utility needed to reduce blue-green algae in a dam used for water supply. During summer, algae cause damage and increase the process costs.
Dubai Municipality
Dubai Municipality selected MPC-Buoy systems to control algae blooms because it's chemical-free and offers real-time water quality monitoring.
Town of Emmitsburg
The main objective was reducing algae during summer, as well as reducing chemicals costs, decreasing backwashes, and preventing clogged filters.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the impact of LG Sonic ultrasound on zooplankton?

    Recent studies commissioned by the Dutch water board and conducted by research agency Ecofide have concluded that the LG Sonic ultrasound is safe for fish, plants, zooplankton, and other aquatic organisms.

  • Why control the algae if nutrients are the problem?

    Reducing nutrients is, of course, also necessary but difficult to achieve, even in the long-term. The majority of nutrient management methods are costly and require frequent dosing with unknown side-effects for the aquatic ecosystem. Besides, the duration and intensity of algal bloom events is strongly depended not only on nutrients but also on a combination of environmental factors, such as climate change, weather patterns, and an unbalanced ecosystem.

  • What kind of water does your ultrasound work in?

    The MPC-Buoy technology can be installed in freshwater, salt water, and brackish water.

  • What’s the largest water body that has LG Sonic implemented? Any issues linking many buoys?

    We have multiple projects with large numbers of MPC-Buoy units installed. For example, in Dominican Republic, 50 MPC-Buoys are in operation in a 7km2 reservoir. The buoys communicate with each other for optimal treatment.

  • What's the minimum depth of water required for LG Sonic treatment?

    We recommend a minimum water depth of 3 feet / 1 meter.