Is Ultrasound Algae Control Safe for Fish? Sustainable Practices in Aquaculture with LG Sonic

Algae growth significantly challenges water quality, leading to substantial impacts on aquatic life, particularly fish. Excessive algae can deplete oxygen in the water and release harmful toxins, which can be detrimental to fish health and survival. Ultrasound control of algal blooms has emerged as an innovative and effective water treatment method. It has not only been proven safe for aquatic life, including fish, but also beneficial. This technology helps maintain balanced ecosystems and ensures the preservation of water quality.

Studies Confirm Ultrasound’s Safety for Fish

One of the primary concerns of fish farmers is the safety of their stock and the surrounding environment. LG Sonic’s ultrasound technology is completely safe for fish, with numerous studies confirming its effectiveness without any adverse effects on fish health or behavior.

A study conducted by Getchell et al. (2022) explored the safety of ultrasonic devices used for algae control, particularly concerning their effects on fish and tadpoles. The study found no evidence of avoidance behaviors in fish in both shallow and deep waters of the lake while the ultrasonic devices were operational.

Is Ultrasound Algae Control Safe for Fish?

Additionally, extensive monitoring under controlled conditions revealed no adverse behavioral changes or harmful physical effects on the fish or tadpoles after two weeks of exposure to the ultrasound. This included no significant alterations to critical organs or tissues such as skin, fins, gills, or internal organs.

These findings suggest that ultrasonic algae control devices are safe for use in aquatic environments with resident fish populations, without causing detrimental health or behavioral impacts. Research supports the use of ultrasonic methods as a sustainable and non-invasive approach to managing harmful algal blooms, which are a growing concern due to their negative impacts on ecosystem services and human health.

Benefits of Ultrasound Algae Control for Fish

Harmful algal blooms emit toxins that can be deadly to fish, disrupting ecosystems and contaminating water supplies. These toxins can damage fish gills and other tissues, impairing their ability to breathe and maintain salt balance, ultimately leading to increased mortality rates among affected fish populations.

Chemicals used in traditional water treatment can also accumulate in fish tissues and pose long-term risks. Conversely, ultrasound offers a sustainable solution that does not leave behind any residues or contaminants, making it ideal for application in lakes, reservoirs, and aquaculture operations.

Is Ultrasound Algae Control Safe for Fish?

Our systems manage algal blooms effectively, thus enhancing water conditions and preventing toxin spread that could harm aquatic life. Additionally, this technology helps maintain ecological balance, crucial for sustaining fish populations and supporting their growth and breeding by preserving oxygen levels and keeping habitats optimal for fish health.

Furthermore, by maintaining optimal water quality and clarity, LG Sonic’s ultrasound technology leads to higher yields and improved product quality. Healthy, well-cared-for fish are more resilient to diseases and stressors, reducing the need for interventions and improving overall farm profitability.

Anecdotal observations by customers maintaining LG Sonic MPC-buoys in lakes note that fish shelter beneath the devices, as they function as artificial reefs, protecting the fish from predation by diving birds. In ecosystems damaged by algal blooms, ultrasound allows for recovery’ whereby natural aquatic plants are able to regain control of the benthic habitat.  Growth here allows for niches, shelter, feeding, spawning and nursery grounds that encourage diversity of fishes with greater condition.

Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture Practices

Sustainability is at the core of LG Sonic’s mission, and our ultrasound algae control technology plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable aquaculture practices. By reducing the need for chemical treatments, our ultrasound technology helps to minimize the environmental impact of aquaculture operations.

Chemical runoff from fish farms can pollute waterways and harm aquatic ecosystems, leading to ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. With LG Sonic’s ultrasound systems, fish farmers can adopt more environmentally friendly practices while maintaining high levels of productivity and profitability.

Is Ultrasound Algae Control Safe for Fish?

Fisheries managers appreciate the benefits of managing algae load.  When this is controlled, pH is more neutral, ammonia is present in the less toxic form of ammonium, and greater dissolved oxygen saturation prevails over time.  This causes fewer stresses to fish; for the production of food, this means that the meat contains less lactic acid and presents a superior product.

Additionally, our ultrasound systems are energy-efficient and require minimal maintenance, further reducing the environmental footprint of aquaculture operations. By reducing reliance on chemical treatments and minimizing environmental impact, our technology helps fish farmers operate in harmony with nature while meeting the growing demand for seafood.


As aquaculture continues to expand to meet the growing global demand for seafood, sustainable practices are essential to ensure the health of aquatic ecosystems. At LG Sonic, we understand the importance of maintaining a balanced aquatic environment.

By harnessing the power of ultrasound waves, we provide a non-invasive method of algae management that protects fish health and preserves the integrity of the surrounding ecosystem. With our commitment to sustainability and innovation, we empower fish farmers to achieve their production goals while minimizing environmental impact and promoting long-term viability in aquaculture.