Top 5 highlights of LG Sonic in 2022

As the year ends, we look back at the moments that made 2022 another successful year for LG Sonic, its customers, and its employees. In 2022 the company continued to grow, starting new algae control projects across the globe. In addition, customers were recognized for their water treatment innovations. Also, the LG Sonic team enjoyed a company retreat to the Belgium Ardennes in the summer, where we brought the team closer together and celebrated achievements.

A royal visit to LG Sonic

LG Sonic Royal Visit

One of the highlights, not just this year but in LG Sonic’s history, is the visit of Her Majesty Queen Máxima of The Netherlands in February 2022. Her Majesty visited LG Sonic for its successes in treating the environmental issue that affects people’s lives and businesses around the globe, harmful algal blooms.

Algae control success around the world

top 5 highlights

This year we published new case studies from four continents: Europe, Africa, America, and Asia. In Spain, the municipality of El Hoyo de Pinares successfully controlled algal blooms in the region’s main water supply. LG Sonic’s MPC-Buoy improved water quality in a sewage water treatment plant in Egypt. In Brazil, the water distribution system of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos (Cedae), installed eight LG Sonic buoys to improve drinking water quality for 10 million people. Lastly, mining corporation PGPRC stopped algal blooms from clogging filters at the Masbate Gold Project in the Philippines.

Drive positive change in the world

top 5 highlights

In May 2022, The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Program selected LG Sonic founder and CEO Yousef Yousef for their new class. The program accelerates a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world. Furthermore, WEF published Yousef’s vision on the global algal bloom problem.

The future of our lakes

top 5 highlights

LG Sonic has launched a non-profit organization, FutureProof Lakes, which will provide freshwater monitoring, prediction, diagnosis, and treatment advice for free to developing nations. In addition, FutureProof Lakes will create awareness about harmful algal blooms on multiple levels: local, national, and international – encompassing non-specialists, professionals, and governmental officials – to establish foundational support for its mission to save lakes and maintain access to clean and safe water.

Work hard, play hard

top 5 highlights

At LG Sonic, we love to have fun! So, our Netherlands office had a wonderful getaway to the Belgium Ardennes in August. The team spent three days in work-off mode to enjoy the most beautiful part of Belgium, strengthening the team’s connection with activities such as climbing, volleyball, and tasty barbecues.